Thursday, May 29, 2008

What Else Do I Need To Face When I'm Short Listed For An Online MBA Course?

When you are interested in an online MBA course you may need to apply in advance to hopefully be accepted. The time will come when the online business school will announce who has been accepted and who has been short listed. If you have been short listed you may be wondering what else you need to face in the process of trying to get your post-graduate business course.

Staying On Task After You Have Been Short Listed.

Nothing can be more frustrating than being short listed for that online post-graduate business administration course that you need to get your degree. Many people have a tendency just to give up when they have been short listed and decide that they must not be meant to get their MBA. This is a common reaction and while you have every right to be frustrated, you cannot allow for this to distract you. You have been working toward this particular post-graduate business course for awhile now and being short listed doesn't have to be the end of the world.

Now that you have been short listed you need to start looking into all of the top business schools. If one short listed you, why not consider the others? You may still be able to apply for other courses and get into them, or you should at least plan to apply to other courses next time around so you are sure that you are going to get into at least one of them. Having a back up plan is essential so you know that you will not be short listed next time.

While being short listed when trying to get into an online MBA course can be frustrating you also need to look at it from a positive point of view. When you are on the short list now, it means if anyone drops out that you may be able to take their place. This may also mean that next time around you will be certain to get a spot so you can get your course underway so you can get your post-graduate business administration qualification and be done with it. Don't give up, being short listed is simply a delay in the plan and while you might feel like you are facing a lot of uncertainty in what comes next, you simply need to be patient and keep your head down and keep working toward your goal.

Definitely, there are a lot more to do if you are shortlisted for an online MBA course. You need proper self-management to cope with both working and study life in order to obtain a certified MBA within short period of time. Find more online MBA course preparation tips via

Online Learning Eases Challenges Facing Adults Returning To Education

A wise old sage once commented that age is a mind over matter: if you don't mind, it doesn't matter. That's as true for thoughts of returning to education at a riper age as it is for all aspects of facing the aging process.

Taking the decision to 'go back to school' can be daunting enough for adult learners as they cope with the psychological challenges alone. Of course 'returning to learning' as an adult can also be an exciting time: a chance to learn new skills and gain new qualifications that could lead to a job, promotion or new career.

There are also practical challenges, such as finding the right provision, paying course fees and getting the right support. Yet it is widely considered that more now than ever before there is a need for more and more adults to be engaged in lifelong learning.

So the need is there, and while there are people looking to education in order to improve their social, economic and professional standing, there will be demand. Lifelong learning is a reality that is here to stay for many adults, and returning to education plays a significant part in the process.

The longer someone has been away from their studies the more daunting the prospect of returning can be. But if the will is there the doubts and nerves are surmountable, leaving the challenge of financing and finding an appropriate education provider.

An investment in improved and/or new qualifications is not an unwise one, and there are many financial options that can be considered, from career development loans to straightforward bank loans. Getting the right education provider can prove trickier, certainly from a conventional point of you.

Most people think of an institution, a building, a college or university campus when they think of an education provider. So geographic location is important. Then there is access. When and where are lectures held, what times are involved? How easy or difficult will it be to get to and from the campus? How much access to lecturers and support will there be?

It can add up to added cost, added hassle and added challenges. But that's if you look at the challenges of being an adult learner returning to education the conventional way.

Distance learning has moved with the technological times, and it is now perfectly possible to study from the comfort of your own home, at a time that suits, and with scheduled online support. The opportunities currently available over the Internet for studying online, whether as a returnee or newcomer, are many and varied.

When time is precious, as it increasingly is, and the need to return to education is required, whether pressing or desired, taking the step has obvious challenges, particularly if families have to be considered. But thanks to technology in this day and age it is possible to study for a distance learning degree online.

Saving time, having flexible hours and the comfort of your own surroundings all add up to one less challenge to worry about, and one that can make the others seem less challenging too!

Sarah Maple is taking marketing courses and is about to get her distance learning, online degree soon.

Online Education Is Successful By Earning Entire Degrees Online - A Study

A study reveals that online education has proved more flourishing and successful if all online programs offering institutions offer entire degrees online than those that offer only a scattering of courses.

The report was based on finding out what made an online education program successful and to share the information with other institutions. The organization surveyed officials at different (21) colleges and universities that it determined to be successful in online education. Giving their response, these college officials foregrounded the need for such general elements as high-quality courses and consistent technology.

At this instance the important point observed was that 89 percent of the institutions created online degree programs i.e. entire degrees instead of just individual online courses. Online degree programs lead to success, because they tend to highlight a college's overall mission and translate into more institutional support for the faculty members and students working online.

At this level it's easier to measure the progress at a programmatic level; the programmatic approach also gets institutions thinking about student-support services. Of course, success is subjective, and what may be deemed successful for one institution may not work at another.

It was further discovered that some college officials believe online education has not lived up to their expectations. It is assumed that some colleges will learn from institutions that have succeeded online.

One of the institutions included in the report is the University of Florida, which enrolls more than 6,000 students in its online degree programs. It was reported that Florida decided to move forward with a strong online-education program because so many students were demanding it.

We see an interesting edge which Florida enjoys and that's Florida doesn't have enough seats for the students who want to be here, but still a lot of people are coming to get a University of Florida degree.

Florida University does not put a cap on enrollments in online courses. Full-time Florida professors teach the content, and part-time faculty members around the country field some of the questions from students.

Florida University has learned how to scale, and that what they do through an addition of faculty.

Another college the organization deemed successful in online education is Westwood College, a for-profit institution that has campuses all over the country, in addition to its online degree programs. The university knows that some institutions may have trouble making the transition to online education because higher education tends to be slow to change.

How will this concept be introduced to an industry that is very mush steeped in tradition is a major question? The answer may follow as one really has to relearn how these instructions are delivered.

In this context the truth is undeniable that nonprofit institutions could learn a lot from for-profit ones when it comes to teaching over the Internet.

The for-profit education industry is a much more nimble industry and is much more able to change based on market demand and student need. And that is because the technology in these institutions is updated very quickly.

There is still such a strong demand for online education that many more institutions can find success with online programs. But the fact is obvious that success does not always come quickly, and sometimes it takes several years to see positive results.

These institutions have really achieved a lot, and generally speaking when they started they really weren't sure what was going to happen. Whatever the changes may be but the online education mode is making it sound a lot easier than it actually is.

Earn A Degree Online To Become An Travel Agent

If you are a person who likes to travel and get to know the world, a career in traveling industries will combine your interest with a rewarding and challenging career. A degree that specialized for travel agent provides the required skills and knowledge that will enable you to move your career in this field. Did you know you can get a degree to become a travel agent from your comfort home through online education?

Most travel agents' positions required a minimum of high school diploma or an equivalent certification as the education qualification for the jobs. These certifications will enable you to hold a position such as a reservation and transportation ticket agent or travel clerk. If you have a related degree especially majoring in travel/tourism specialization, you will have a greater advantage to compete for a higher position with more rewarding income. When you have earned your degree and become a travel/tourism specialist, there are plenty of career options for you to choose for; you can choose to work for an airline, cruise line, resort hotel, be a tour guide or start your own travel agency.

There are many online degree programs that can prepare you for career in traveling field. One of the popular online schools that offers travel agent's degree program is The School of Penn Foster. With Penn Foster distance learning program, you will learn how to become a travel/tourism specialist, from your comfort home and at your own pace. The courses covered in this degree program are focused on the systems used in travel agency such as computerized reservation systems and various tour/vacation packages that include the key tourist destinations throughout the world. All these are the knowledge and skills required for your future career as a travel agent.

The key advantages of earning the degree online are flexibility that allows you plan your own learning schedule and convenient because you can logon to the online classes from anywhere you like. Online education can be a better option if you are a working individual who does not have a fixed working schedule or unable to go home on time, or need to travel frequently for job assignments; wherever you are, you still can logon to the school's online system to attend classes, download learning materials or upload completed assignments.

We know that having a related working experience and education qualification are the two important factors to achieve our career goal. By earning your degree online, you can choose to work at the traveling firm to gain your experience in this field while pursuing the travel agent's degree online. Working experience, required skills and knowledge can be obtained at the same time; these are among the benefits by getting your degree online.


With online education, you can earn a degree that specialized for travel agents from your comfort home and at your own pace. An online travel agent degree will enables you to earn the required career credential for better career future and more rewarding earnings.

Julie Harvard is the author of Find information and resources about online travel agent degrees offered by accredited online universities, which will help you in deciding whether to pursue your degree online or follow the traditional education path.

How to Decide if an Accelerated Bachelor's Degree Program is Right for You

Thinking you'll need to put your life on hold, quit your job and go to college five days a week for four years so that you can earn a bachelor's degree?

Think again.

As a working adult, you have tons of options available to you to start and/or finish a college degree. And none of them mean you have to quit your job - and thus lose your income and any momentum you've built up in your career - to earn a bachelor's degree. You can sign up for an online education or an accelerated bachelor's degree program - and perhaps even enroll in a program that's a combination of both.

The online education world is, to use a mixed metaphor, the working adults' oyster.

This article will answer the following:

  • Why an online education is the way to go for working adults.

  • How an accelerated bachelor's degree program and an online bachelor's program are similar and different.

When Time is Scarce, an Online Education Gives Plenty

Let's face it. We have no time today. We have stressful jobs. We have children and they "demand" - and deserve - our time. We have spouses - ditto on the "demand." We have homes to maintain, bodies to exercise and - if we can scrape out time somehow - time spent on fun and relaxation.

If we were 18 again, perhaps we could go the traditional college route. But not when we're 38 or even 25.

So enrolling in one of the many online degree programs available to working adults today can allow us to get that all-important bachelor's degree.

The Cornucopia of Adult Education College Degrees Explained

An online bachelor's degree program allows you to study for and receive your degree from your own home computer. There is no need to drive to a classroom after a long day at work, grabbing a fast food dinner on the way, and sitting in an uncomfortable chair for four hours listening to the sage on the stage - the instructor - spout wisdom at you. Nope. Instead, you can head home, kiss the kids and your spouse, eat dinner and help with the dishes and then head to your computer when you want, log
on, and access the lesson as you see fit.

An accelerated bachelor's degree program may or may not be fully online. You might have to head to a classroom after work or for a full day on weekends. But the bottom line is your journey to a college degree is accelerated - you'll receive it in less than the four years a traditional college degree takes. Depending on where you are in your studies (perhaps you took some college courses back in the day) you often can use those credits toward your bachelor's. Therefore, the work necessary to complete an adult education degree will take less time. Many accelerated bachelor's degree programs will have you walking to "Pomp and Circumstance" in two years - or less!

Adult students can earn accelerated online bachelors degrees or masters degrees at Duquesne University's School of Leadership and Professional Advancement. The academic programs are suited for adult online learners, including those who are already established career professionals. For more nformation, visit Duquesne University online at

Top 15 Online MBA Degree Programs

Since online degree become the alternative method to pursue distance learning, all qualified institutions find their ways to compete to provide the best to attract interested students. But since they are too much availability, here are the selected top online degree programs in Master of Business Administration (MBA) based on reputation, structure, networking opportunities, gained skills and tuition investment.

Instituto de Empresa (IE) of Madrid is the top recommendation where it offers for English and Spanish speakers. Connection from every corner in the world can happen through virtual lectures and videoconferences and students are required for 'blended sessions' in different cities. Vast networking is allowed and students from 48 countries can exchange background and expertise in diverse fields.

Thunderbird School of Global Management and Duke University of USA ranked second and third respectively. Through global MBA and cross-continental MBA, the students are those who are employed in companies from Coca Cola to Boeing. However, the tuition investment ranged from 57,000 to 95,000 USD. Actually, Thunderbird School was given the top spot in International Programs by US News and World Report and number one rank in International Business by Financial Times and The Wall Street Journal.

Manchester Business School of UK, which offers a flexible distance learning MBA program combined with self-to-self workshops, only costs 30,000 USD is ranked fourth. The fifth to ten ranked institution are from US, which are Indiana University (offers MBA on general administration), Pennsylvania State University, University of Florida (offers Internet MBA), Babson College (offers Fast Track MBA), University of Massachusetts-Amherst (ranked second on Best Overall Academic Experience) and The George Washington University (offers a new GWU Healthcare MBA for professionals involved in healthcare industry).

The next five rankings are Walden University (ranked among the top ten largest online graduate programs for business by US News and World Report and Financial Times), University of Phoenix (offers Master of Management focusing on leadership and management skills), Western Governers University, DeVry University and Jones International University.

Although the MBA programs are quite similar overall, we must know that the rankings are not tailored to individual needs and only accustomed for certain values against certain criteria.

For more information about online MBA degree program, please visit for further details.

Top 10 Rated Online Colleges

Are you thinking about going back to college, but you don't have the time or the flexibility to go to a traditional college? Online college might be for you because it provides flexibility and great degree programs all in one. Here are the top 10 rated online colleges.

#1 - Baker College Online

Baker College is based out of Michigan and is the top rated online College. The reason this one snags the #1 ranking is because the classes are 6 weeks long, it is the most affordable online college, and they offer associates, bachelors, and masters programs.

#2 - University of Phoenix

University of Phoenix is solely based online and offers a very wide variety of programs. They are a bit expensive, but they are also well known and very well recognized.

#3 - Kaplan University

Kaplan University is one of the favorites among online students. They have a great staff, excellent degree programs, and a very easy system for students to use online.

#4 - Westwood College Online

Westwood College is a very well respected name and offers both associates and bachelors programs. They have a very good system and provide students with a job search at the completion of their degree.

#5 - Capella University

Capella University offers many different programs and is one of the leaders in variety. They have plenty of programs to choose from and give students a lot of flexibility.

#6 - Saint Leo University

Saint Leo University only offers masters programs, but they have some of the most respected masters programs online. They offer a handful of great programs and are one of the top for masters education.

#7 - Walden University

Walden University has been around since 1970. They have a very experienced staff and offer a wide range of programs. They are a bit pricey though.

#8 - Everest University

Everest University has many professors that have actually worked in the field that they teach and they offer a wide variety of online programs as well.

#9 - The Art Institute Of Pittsburgh

If you are looking for a creative degree, then The Art Institute of Pittsburgh is for you. They offer online programs you will not find anywhere else and are the leader in Art degrees online.

#10 - American InterContinnential University

AIU is well known online and is one of the fastest growing Universities. They have a great accelerated program and provide plenty of flexibility.

There are the top 10 rated online colleges for you to choose from. Make sure to weight the cost and the benefits of each University so you can make the best decision possible for you.

Discover all of the many Benefits of the Top 10 Rated Online Colleges here:

Top 10 Rated Online Colleges, Go Here

Online Education - Success Tips

Studying in an online university and attending online classes is, though, a very convenient way of education, but it is also a very different mode from the traditional, direct ways of education. Online education does not require physical attendance, or even a classroom. Fellow classmates are absent and there is no direct contact with professors or trainers. Thus, it is entirely your responsible for successfully completing studies with online programs. Following the success tips mentioned below would be beneficial in earning an online degree effectively.

The convenience of online learning should not turn into negligence. Online courses require as much concentration and hard work as a typical direct college graduation. There might not be professors to look over your work and judge you all the time. Hence, it's your duty to fix a timetable and decide a schedule that accommodates online classes well. Giving few undisturbed hours to your studies daily is ideal. And pending the assignments in online learning will only make things difficult. It will delay your studies and might affect your grades later.

Motivation is another key to success. You have to keep setting short and definite targets and give in all your best efforts to achieve them. In an online course, one needs to be passionate about studies and find innovative ways of completing assignments on time. Periodically motivating yourself is extremely important in distance learning.

Discussions about the online course you are doing and talking about the subjects with friends, family or colleagues will widen up your scope. You might also find people who are also pursuing some online program. And this way you will have a person to assist you if need arises. In case you come in contact with people experienced in the same field that you are presently studying, nothing like it. They can guide you and give suggestions when you face difficulty.

You might have taken up an online course to carry on your daily activities like business, job or family, but in case you are still left with little time, you can devote it in studies by joining a study group. There, you will be in interaction with people which can be motivational and have an additional benefit of improving your communication skills.

Keep testing yourself from time to time. While studying, you can set a list of questions and solve it with the help of study material or instructions in the online class. This will help you in knowing how good you are in the subject. Moreover, it will prepare you for the final actual examination.
Do try and memorize whatever you study in the online class or from the reading material. Keep refreshing the subjects at regular intervals if you want to save yourself from last minute blues at the time of examination.

A little thoughtfulness and a disciplined approach towards online education can do wonders. It's just about being passionate for what you selected in order to be successful in life.

My mission is to help you find the online degree or career school program near you, online course, and online education resources. Education Online provides detailed information on Education Online, Continuing Education Online, Online College Education, Online Accredited Education and more. Education Online is affiliated with , Companies.

Distance Learning Online - Flexible Learning For Individual Learners

One of the most important philosophies of Flexible learning is the concept that education should be about suiting the individual learner. As the name suggests, flexible learning is about delivering an educational program, such as a distance learning course or online business degree, according to the specific needs of the person enrolled on the course. Flexible Learning is about delivering learning around the other commitments of the learner, which are usually domestic and professional responsibilities.

Technology plays a large part in delivering flexible learning, with organisations such as colleges, universities and online degree providers using, developing and innovating a range of technologies. These include principally the use of the Internet, email and mobile communications.

When I returned to education to study for an online business degree including marketing and Internet Marketing, I had heard a bit about flexible learning but didn't know that such a lot of work and education strategy was centred around it. This a major benefit to students and higher education providers as flexible learning can use a number of tools and approaches to ensure students can learn whilst in work or around their domestic and personal circumstances.

One thing to remember though is that flexible learning is about using technology as a tool, rather than just for the sake of learning via the Internet or through mobile communications.

I've noticed how the teacher's role is markedly different from a traditional education setting. Rather than someone who delivers classes from a lecture room 'stage', the teacher is now more of a guide or 'facilitator.' This means that through flexible learning students are taking more responsibility for the choices and decisions they make through the learning process.

Often a university or distance e-learning provider will use a learning management system (LMS) for flexible learning and e-learning students. The LMS essentially is a computer-based system that encompasses student-teacher communication, online course development, skills management and delivery, course management and delivery and a range of other functions appropriate to the delivery of the online flexible learning course.

The benefits for education providers are less expense on administration, the ability to serve more students, and better measure the performance of students.

Learners benefit from a more personalised study program with improved educational support.

Overall, flexible learning is about empowering students with an independent approach to their subjects, with access to a range of resources and, thanks to the technology, a variety of teamwork, project-based and collaborative learning.

Now I am nearly at the end of my first year of an online business degree, I have found the technology easy to use and find new technologies implemented during the course are easy to become familiar with. This has, I feel, enhanced the overall education and in many ways I feel I have learnt more in the e-learning environment than I would have done in a traditional education setting.

Flexible learning may not be for everyone, but the benefits to students and higher education providers are drawn from established theories and philosophies that seek to benefit students and education providers alike.

Sarah Maple is taking marketing courses and is about to get her distance learning online degree soon.